So this is Blog 10 but it actually covers weeks 11 and 12 as I have been away on holiday (I know I know, who said I could enjoy some time out ☺ )
A journey with Impact, Week 9.
Referring back to last week you will remember Ross reached a milestone weigh in for his fat loss journey of an incredible 3 stone in 8 weeks.
A journey with Impact, Week 8.
If you are a regular reader of this personal training blog, you will remember that last week I had picked up on the lack of dietary fiber in Ross’ food within the previous week.
A journey with Impact, Week 7.
The dreaded week for any new trainee on there fat loss journey, the scales go up! Just like anybody else Ross was disappointed with this, questioning what he had done wrong for…
A Journey with Impact, week 6.
I’m going to start this weeks blog off with a big WELL DONE! It was a very unexpected drop this week for Ross. I will let you know how much he lost this week later on.
A journey with impact, Week 5.
One bad meal a week is not going to make you fat and likewise a couple of healthy meals is not going to make you lean. Keeping the consistency is the plan.