When it comes to losing weight, gaining weight or even maintaining weight one of the most manageable area’s is calorie tracking. If you haven’t ever tried to track your calories before, or if you have tried but found it complicated or time consuming, over the next 4 days we are going to look at how you can make it as easy and as enjoyable as possible.
Rest and Recovery

With many of you having your first or second week back into the gym, your rest and recovery is going to extremely important, and the more you implement now, the better it will be in the long run.
Obesity: Shhhh we don’t talk bout that!

Often a taboo subject to talk about without offending people. It shouldn’t be. No matter what way we chalk it up, being obese isn’t good for us. Forget how you look, I don’t care and it’s not a concern of mine (or for anyone else but yourself for that matter), but I do care about your health. After all, that’s why my passion for helping people is in the health and fitness sector.
Controlling Your Weight During The Christmas Period

As this is me (Tom) writing this, you may be thinking this is going to be another drill sergeant speech telling you how you’ll need to trim the fat off your turkey, stick to Brussels sprouts, and steer well away from any Christmas pudding.