Ross update weeks 15-18

[dropcap]S[/dropcap]o you haven’t heard from us lately regarding Ross… I thought I would just briefly update you on his last few weeks progress.

Week 1) Lost 4.2lbs
Week 2) Last week was a 2.4lb gain
Week 3) This week he lost an impressive 6.2lbs of fat.

If you look at week 2 you can imagine Ross’ disappointment when he weighed in and saw a gain. Its important on them days to stick with it, remember there will be weigh in’s like that, you know you have eaten well and trained well but the scales don’t reflect what you have done. There are a few reasons as to why Ross’ weight may have fluctuated up this week, but I’m confident it is down to a particular hormone called cortisol (our stress hormone). Last week was a very stressful week for Ross (outside of the gym). Cortisol is well known for being aiding in fat storage (especially around the tummy). Simply managing your stress levels will have a positive effect on your body composition! A few simple ways for you to help aid cortisol reduction:

• Get your 8 hours sleep
• If you have a hectic lifestyle and busy job – write a list before you go to bed to put your mind at ease
• Drink plenty of water
• Exercise regularly
• Eat single ingredient foods
• Supplement with omega 3
• Supplement with Vitamin D
• Supplement with Magnesium

Please seek professional advice before supplementing with the above supplements.

Ross’ intensity of training has and is continuing to increase still but that aside and more importantly, he is still really enjoying it.

Taking us up to date, Ross’ grand total of fat loss is now at an amazing 59lbs so far.

The journey continues….



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