The Squat Series

A Squat is one of, if not the best lower body exercise you can be performing for lower body strength and development. Although squats are an awesome exercise, they can easily be performed wrong, this guide will
A Squat is one of, if not the best lower body exercise you can be performing for lower body strength and development. Although squats are an awesome exercise, they can easily be performed wrong, this guide will
A Romanian deadlift can also be known as a straight leg deadlift. It emphasises a lot of tension on the hamstrings and requires you again to be know how to hip hinge properly. When performing a Romanian deadlift there should be no tension within your lower back, if this occurs then there is either:
In our opinion deadlifts are one of the most superior exercises that you should be including into your weekly exercise schedule. It is one of few exercises that causes you to train multiple muscle groups at one time, especially your posterior chain (the whole back
As well as giving you an insight to how my week goes and how I fit everything in (Training, food prep, 2 jobs). It may also give you an idea of how you can manage your time more efficiently and in the long run make your life a tad easier.