Deadlifting 101: Sumo Deadlift

Sumo Deadlift

A Sumo deadlift can be a great alternative to a conventional deadlift for some. If you struggle to get into the start position of a conventional deadlift you might favour a sumo deadlift as it always you to shorten the range of movement, while still performing the exercise correctly. As you will see within the set up, you start with your feet a lot wider therefor which automatically shortens the distance you need to pull the bar up.

  • Foot positing is key during a sumo deadlift as it can completely change which muscles you primarily target, for a sumo deadlift position the laces of your shoes underneath the bar just OUTSIDE of your shoulder width, once here point your toes out to the side about 30 degrees.
  • Next, while maintaining a neutral spine and keeping your chest high, bend your knees and drop your hips down until your hands can reach the bar. (your knees should track over your toes, pointing outwards)
  • Your grip should be around hip width apart, and you are now in your starting position for the sumo deadlift.
  • Once you are in your starting position, brace your core and drive your heels into the ground, pull the bar straight up your shins and thigh and drive your hips forward into a full lockout.
  • As you go back down into your starting position let the bar roll down your thigh and shins while dropping your hips down, ensuring your knees stay tracked over your toes throughout.

If you still struggle to reach the bottom of the movement of a sumo deadlift due to insufficient flexibility, add some blocks under each side of the bar to raise the bars original starting position.

Reece Halsey

Impact Personal Training