A journey with impact, Week 5.

[dropcap]O[/dropcap]ne bad meal a week is not going to make you fat and likewise a couple of healthy meals is not going to make you lean. Keeping the consistency is the plan.


Yesterday Ross weighed in and lost a further 2.2.lbs – that’s a total now of 24.2Lbs in 5 weeks! For those of you who think that this weeks loss of 2.2lbs is not a great deal, go grab a bag of sugar from your kitchen, heavier than you thought, right? As Ross is doing a lot of weight training in his personal training sessions he will have actually lost more fat than that but gained some muscle at the same time.


This leads me onto my next point nicely; we are looking for FAT loss NOT weight loss – two very different things. We want Ross to lose fat and to gain muscle. Obviously Ross is at the very beginning of his journey with us, and of course we want to see the scales come down as it is imperative to his health, but we also want to add good quality lean tissue to his frame too.


Having huge weight loss on the scales week in, week out will pretty much guarantee that he will be loosing fat AND muscle – we most certainly don’t want this. Lean muscle is too hard earned to waste it away by lack of nutrition/over training.

So going back to my point of consistency, this is a lifestyle change for Ross, not a quick fix; it’s keeping a steady momentum of continued education, training and good healthy nutrition.

For those of you local to Luton interested in working with one of our personal trainers for fat loss, performance or rehabilitation please do get in touch via email info@impact-pt-live.local or give us a call us on Luton 484007. We have various different options and programmes to cater for all price brackets.


