One of the biggest subjects that comes up to me as a personal trainer is clients asking if they should invest in protein shakes as they are getting more and more…
The gluten free, dairy free, low fat low carb dust diet

It’s a whole crazy world out there when it comes to picking the ‘right’ diet. So how do you pick the ‘right’ one? As with most things in health and fitness…’it depends’.
A Beginners guide to weight training: Part 2

Following on from Part I (find it here >HERE), I’m going to drop some more knowledge bombs on you. The first thing on today’s agenda, the two different
A Beginners guide to weights: Part 1

Starting a weight-training program is pretty daunting. Not only the big guys in there lifting heavy weights whilst making obscene noises, but the thought of embarrassing yourself…
Getting started – A how-to guide for you
Getting yourself started with training and nutrition is tough, it really is! With an absolute minefield of information floating around, it’s hard to choose what would be best
4 reasons why you should be exercising, and they’re not what you think!
If you’re like me, you probably spend a bit of time on social media. You’ll notice a lot of ‘fitness experts’ spouting off about how much fun you’ll have training and that you should…