Yoga For Anxiety

Yoga For Anxiety

Why yoga for anxiety?

Life is busy. Amidst the daily rush of routine and to do lists we often find ourselves feeling anxious and overwhelmed – and looking for a pause button.

Yoga can provide the pause in your day. By moving out of your head and into your body you can finally give yourself the break you need and that you will struggle to find elsewhere.

“Give yourself the break you need”

During this 4 week course you will explore practical breathing and movement techniques to assist in self regulation that will enable you to tap into a state of rest and digest.

Yoga is well known for increasing flexibility in the body and is being used more and more as a practice to find freedom from the mind.

Taking place in a private boutique studio located in central Luton we offer a space for just five participants in a non competitive environment with no pressure.

  • You will learn a number of breath techniques that will help you self regulate and find calm and clarity.
  • Receive a practical guide so that you can incorporate yoga into your weekly routine from the comfort of your home.
  • 4 x 60 minute semi-private yoga sessions in a private boutique studio so that you have privacy and comfort.

Start date 7th November.

Classes are at 7:30PM on Thursdays. There are only 5 spaces available and costs just £80. You can reserve your space by clicking enrol below now!