I was over weight with no confidence in myself or my physical abilities inside and outside of the gym. I never had the motivation to stick to a diet and training plan for an acceptable amount of time to see changes in myself, so when my friend asked me to train with him for moral support I used the opportunity to get myself into shape.
Before starting at Impact I was worried how hard it was going to be and the social events I would have to miss. I thought it was going to be a boring lifestyle for a few months before going back into old habits like every time before.
It was hard at the start but I was changing a lifestyle I had been used to for years. It got so much easier once the first couple weeks was out of the way and you start seeing physical changes in your weight and body, the motivation takes over.
My trainer is unreal. She made it extremely easy to follow the plan she designed. Work outs were 45-60 minutes long. For every meal I had to eat, I have 5/6 options to chose from to keep variety. I could also talk to her at any point through calls or messages to ask any question about anything whatsoever to keep me on track.
I’ve lost about a quarter of my original body weight. My confidence in myself and how I look is back. I’m extremely happy with my progress and I’m now into my 8th month of a 7 day week new lifestyle. I can’t see myself stopping anytime soon. Impact has been a life changing experience. Let’s keep setting new goals and smashing them.