The gyms are closed, you don’t know how to exercise at home, your energy levels are low and your motivation is at rock bottom – we get it!
Just because the gyms are closed, doesn’t mean you cannot still work on your mental and physical strength. Our clients are continuing to make real progress and so can you!
Of course, you can continue to look around YouTube and Facebook for workouts that you can do by yourself, but if it was as easy as simply following a workout, you’d be doing that already…What you need is accountability and a support network.
During your FREE 7-Day trial you will benefit from everything below and much more:
- 11 live strength workouts for you to join per week. All hosted by personal trainers.
- 3 live Yoga classes so that you can unwind and de-stress.
- Utilise any of the on demand workout videos so that you can train at anytime you like.
- Access to the Impact community group where you can be supported with the whole Impact team and clients when you’re unsure of anything or just need someone to chat to.
- A snippet of our transformation guide containing nutrition advice so that you can learn what and how much to eat to reach your goals.
- Weekly live Q&A’s with an Impact personal trainer so that you can ask whatever you need help with.
Join the Impact virtual training 7-Day FREE trial today!